Red Rock Rejuvenation Sedona Yoga & Hiking Retreat April 15-19 2025

Red Rock Rejuvenation              Sedona Yoga & Hiking Retreat  April 15-19   2025

Embrace the call to attend a soul-healing and transformational reset and recharge for your mind, body, and spirit. Arlene and Kristen’s retreats are created with loving intention and higher guidance. 

Your time will be filled with deeply healing yoga practices, meditations, breath work, sound healing, star gazing, sacred element ceremonies, swimming, guided Gaia hikes through the high vibrational vortexes.

This magical retreat also includes daily nutritious ayurvedic meals prepared by an amazing private chef and lodging in a luxurious Sedona estate where you will soak in beautiful mountain air and views.

There is ample time carved in for complete relaxation, journaling, painting, dancing, creating, and just being. We are a 10 minute distance to town for shopping or simply taking in more Sedona vibes.

You will leave this retreat with a deeper connection to self, the creation of life long friendships, and an awakened clarity for your journey forward.

Retreat Center Address:

Villa di Sedona

35 Pinto Lane

Sedona, Arizona


Room rates beginning at $2150 pp

Upgraded and Private bedrooms available at upgraded rates

$800 deposit saves your space.

Balance due in two increments on 11/11 and 1/11 or you may pay in full.


Contact Kristen [email protected]


Venmo @Kristen-kainrath


Zelle [email protected] to save your space today!

About Kristen:

As an elementary school teacher for the past three decades, Kristen certainly did not foresee a yoga and holistic healing practice as a life path, but her personal experiences were so profound that she opened her heart and fully surrendered to all these ancient and sacred healing practices have to offer.

Kristen’s current certifications include a 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher certification and a 200 hour Kundalini Certification with a passion for Meditation, Pranayama, Slow Flow, Yin and Restorative Yoga Practices. Kristen is also a Reiki Master Teacher, sound healer, shadow work and children’s author and an international yoga retreat leader.

Kristen offers her students an environment of balance, healing, serenity, and a deep connection to body, mind, breath, and spirit. She believes that we can choose peace in our lives no matter what circumstances may be going on around us. When unexpected life events happen that impact our health, heart, mind, or spirit, it is a call for us to stop and reflect, to breathe, to take a look at our lives and realize it is time of transformation and growth.

Kristen’s wish for you is to come to a deep place of self-love so you do not have to look outside of yourself for anything…when you step off your mat and out into the world, you do so with gratitude, wonderment, grace and purpose. And always remember: we don’t use our body to come into a pose, we use the pose to come into the body.

About Arlene:

Arlene Koby is the owner & operator of Lakeside Wellness(previously Sol Full Yoga). She is a mama of three, a Yoga teacher and a devoted student of Yoga. She has been practicing for over 30 years and teaching for the past 18 years. An E-RYT, Arlene has completed two 200hr training's (the first in 2005)and has also completed an additional 100hr advanced teacher training with Elena Brower at Virayoga in NYC in 2013. She currently leads the 200RYT training program. With a strong desire to learn she continues to educate herself. She traveled on pilgrimage to India with Raghunath in 2016, completed advanced study with Jivamukti founders Sharon Gannon and David Life, has done hours of training with Abbie Galvin of Katonah yoga(the studio NYC) & most recently completed the Anusara bridge program in 2020 through Shree yoga. She is also WPA level 1 certified and has completed the Paddle Fit Core certification and loves combining her love for the water and paddleboarding and Yoga. Arlene is also and avid Hiker and loves the outdoors. She leads annual.

Yoga Retreats in Costa Rica and Sedona and more to come!! Arlene is humbled and honored to share what she has learned through her vast studies. Her approach to teaching is rooted in authenticity. Her gift is her capacity to work with any level of practitioner with specific, educated, alignment cues. Her goal is for the student to feel comfortable and safe with the body they are in, whether they are rocking a handstand or a child pose. "Love is the absence of judgement" Compassion first, love always, judgement never.

About our Amazing Chef, Angie

From a young age, Angelica was connected to her calling with creation for greater source and divine love.

Angelica started her healing journey after finding herself seemingly with nowhere else to go. This led her to the abundant energy found in the vast mountains of Mt. Shasta. It was here where her voice rooted and expanded into the angelic light frequency, into the discovery of her truth and the courage to co-create a life that reflected devotional abundance. Since then she has received her BFA from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY, and has continued to travel to sacred sites across the U.S. She is currently studying and integrating Breathwork, Bhakti Yoga, Akashic breadth as taught by Veronica Ruiz of Sacred Divine Goddess and Lisa Gniady, and translating light code activations into visual artworks and writing. As of 2024, she has completed 9 months of Cacao Ceremonial Facilitation Training, as taught under Florencia Friedman’s Apprenticeship with Florecer. In the fall of 2024, she will receive her 200HR YTT through The Bhakti Center in New York.

Angelica’s paintings explore the dichotomy between the natural world and its inhabitants. She embraces art as her surrender, believing that the ever-evolving and mysterious present moment could become the most cherished memory. Amidst the fading remnants of the past, she employs art as a means to delve into the essence of being truly present.

Her road to recovery from an eating disorder and sexual trauma anchored in her initiations with food as ancient and modern medicine to nourish the weakened soul. Re-discovering how and where food is sourced and the various ways of which it can be prepared, Angelica draws inspiration from her Latin roots and Ayurvedic practices with a plant-based lifestyle. Believing that food preparation is art, she encourages the start-to-finish process to be a ritual.

Reach Out and Zen Out: Your Wellness Journey Starts Here!

Hey wellness explorer! Got questions about sound healing, yoga, Reiki, our retreats, or our book Root to Rise and Gaia's Gifts? We're here to help! Use the form below to reach out, and we'll get back to you soon. Let's embark on this wellness journey together!